
Software Development Tools to Improve Your Productivity

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Productivity Tools for Software Developers

Staying on track with the rapidly evolving and constantly changing world of software development is essential. There are many options when deciding which software development tools to use for your daily tasks at work to make your life much easier. To build working software efficiently, you need the best software development productivity tools around, as they'll make your life a lot easier!

As a developer, you will write, test, deploy, and document code, communicate with your team, and follow up on the project's progress. For each of those mentioned processes, many tools are created and deployed in the market.

To help the developers, here are the significant tools that can help in increasing productivity.

  1. GitHub
  2. Slack
  3. Tuple
  4. MantisBT
  5. GanttPRO
  6. Silver Searcher


1. GitHub

GitHub is one of the world's best software development platforms. GitHub is a web-based Git repository hosting service. Simply put, it is like a Google Drive for software projects, where you can find code. When uploading your project, you can make it public or private. The community is vast, and the project base is even more extensive. GitHub is an excellent platform for collaborative software development where programmers can find, share, and create better software.

2. Slack

Especially in software development, Slack is an essential tool for team communication. You can establish chat channels, which serve as forums for topic-based discussions, exchange and collaborate project-related material with specific team members, build groups and subgroups, and establish one-on-one interactions.

Slack allows you to schedule time blocks in your schedule and indicate to others when you are available to communicate depending on your current status, saving you from having to manage several email threads and chains that come and go throughout the day.

3. Tuple

We live in a world of remote working, so it is becoming vital to interact while sitting in different cities and even states. Therefore, we are heading toward communication technologies like Slack and Zoom, but we can also use Tuple for programming. It is a pair programming tool that makes it simple to share the UI screen and operate the machine from a distance.

4. MantisBT

What does a developer find most annoying? Bugs. For developers, finding the optimal solution and avoiding errors at all costs—which is impossible—can be a genuine hardship. MantisBT, a web-based bug-tracking system, was created; as a result, making it simple for developers to keep track of all errors and report them.

5. GanttPRO

GanttPRO is an online Gantt chart application for task and project management. But as time passed, it broadened its range of use. As a result, GanttPRO is also used for team collaboration, timeline, resource, and cost planning. The application offers a far deeper level of planning than just an essential Gantt chart tool. Additionally, drag-and-drop makes everything easier.

Developers may quickly summarize the durations and status of each job with the help of GanttPRO. The program keeps track of who is working on what and when they are expected to complete it. GanttPRO is a fantastic productivity tool that every developer needs to have.

6. Silver Searcher

How much time is lost searching for a single line of code within a document with hundreds of lines? The Silver Searcher free and open source, cross-platform source code searching tool, was developed to address the problem.

Marketed as "a code-searching tool comparable to ack, but quicker," Silver Searcher makes it easier to find a single line of crucial code within a larger document. The Silver Searcher is among the best development tools for managing time due to several time-saving features.

This is one of the best productivity tools for developers that can save time, is simple to use, and is fast. Searching for a code from a long line can be a bit challenging. Hence, it is essential to explore the code easily, saving the developer's time and sanity as they don't have to go through the whole code to look out for a specific part. Silver Searcher helps in this.

Software developers have different requirements; fortunately, with so many software programming tools around, it is possible to work on multiple software projects. The software development process can be made simple and easy with the help of the tools mentioned above. They can be used to improve code optimization, organize work, improve code execution, and automate the laborious tasks associated with working in a software development environment. Investing time in productivity tools will have long-term benefits that greatly outweigh the initial resources used to learn them.