
NodeJs vs Golang: Which is Best for Backend Development?

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Today, there are many options available to web and mobile developers when it comes to selecting modern programming languages. The choice of languages is practical not just for front-end developers but also for back-end developers. 

Speaking of that, in this article, we are going to discuss two of the most powerful backend technologies: Node.js and Golang.olang. 

There’s a lot more confusion about which language should be preferred; which language offers you the best results, saves you the most time, and so on. Having stated that, why don't we make a thorough comparison of these two languages? Let’s check out the basics first! 

What is Golang? 


Golang is comparatively a new programming language developed at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. Go is its official name; it is frequently referred to as Golang since "language" is frequently added after it. 

Goland is a general-purpose language created for modern software development. It blends power, efficiency, and advanced simplicity. It addresses the flaws of other languages. It is designed to be cross-platform, quick, lean, and simple to learn. 

Here are a few pros and cons of Golang 

Pros Cons 
 It is fast and enables seamless scaling  It does not support generic functions 
 It features comprehensive   programming tools  Not descriptive and consumes a lot of   time 
 It is very easy to learn  Meta programming and code duplication   issues 
 Supports faster development  Lack of features like virtual machines 
 It is open source  It is still a young language


What is Node.js? 


Node.js is a server-side programming language that Ryan Dahl created in 2009. It enables developers to create powerful web applications with rich user experience.  

A JavaScript runtime environment with an event-driven I/O, Node.js enables you to build rich and scalable apps, such as real-time chat apps, single-page applications, and games. It became very popular in a short period because of all its features. 

Here are a few pros and cons of Node.js 

 Non-blocking I/O call model  Not applicable for heavy CPU-bound   requests 
 Prompt code execution reusability  Unstable API led to frequent code   changes 
 Can handle multiple requests  Lack of a strong Library support system 
 Supports both front end and back end Inability to maintain the code 
 Event-driven and asynchronous  Poor performance while handling heavy   computing tasks 


Golang vs NodeJS: Key Differences  

There are various distinguishing factors that you need to consider while choosing the most suitable one for you. Let’s dive into the Go vs Node JS comparison by discussing a few parameters. 

 Parameter Golang NodeJs 
 Release Date August 2012  May 2009  
 Performance Golang can be directly assembled into machine code, it does not require any interpreter, so it executes quickly without warm-up time, the same as the low-level programming language like C and C++. NodeJs is a widely used technology to build high-speed and robust applications. 


Golang is a good choice for web development projects since it comes with an inherent feature that gives software developers concurrency and scalability. 

Node.js is entirely scalable for the application to boost performance as it is a   single-threaded model with an event loop by scaling up vertically or horizontally across numerous servers. 

 Learning Curve 


Easy to start with but a good amount of   time and effort is required to grasp the   available resource, 

 Coding Speed 

A developer can spend less time typing code. Except for debuting it. 

Often developers need to take more detours to reach a particular destination which slows down the speed of coding. 

 Cost of   development 

Depends on the project specification. 

It is based on the characteristics and complexity of the project. 

 Speed and   Security 

Go creates a fast and secure   environment for app development 

Node.js ready-to-use framework that simplifies the overall product development process.


Having done an in-depth comparison, it is overwhelming to determine which is the better backend development language. 

Node.js and Golang both are capable of building various kinds of backend applications. The choice depends on your company’s priorities and IT infrastructure. Node.js does wonders while handling numerous asynchronous requests, whereas Golang offers the much-needed computing power to develop robust backend applications. Both Go and Node.js are used globally as acknowledged pieces of technology. 

Can’t decide which tool to choose? Reach out to us today for a free consultation and we’ll help you to make the decision depending on your project.