May 18, 2016
We all know that the Drupal setup and installation are easy, and one-click installation is also available in most of the hosting services, but the tricky part is theming the drupal site. It would take some time to design the site to make it look more professional.
In this blog, I am going to show you how to build a single-page drupal site within 15 minutes with a good-looking theme.
1. Buy Tintin theme from They are providing full drupal demo sites with the theme for only $30, download the theme ( and demo sites (
2. Extract the file and place that in your web server’s document root folder. For example (/var/www/html/ ) which is the Apache's default document root.
3. Extract the theme file and place that in your tintin-demo themes folder (/tintin-demo/themes/custom/). If Tintin theme already exists, then just replace it with the new one which you have downloaded.
4. Create a new MySQL database with name “ tintin_d8 “ (if you want to change the database name then you must change the database details in your settings.php (/tintin-demo/sites/default/settings.php)
$databases['default']['default'] = array (
'database' => 'tintin_d8', // change with your database name
'username' => 'root', // mysql username
'password' => 'root', // mysql password
'prefix' => '',
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => '3306',
'namespace' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Driver\\mysql',
'driver' => 'mysql',
5. You could see database dump (tintin.sql) for demo site in /tintin-demo/ folder, then import the tintin.sql into your database “tintin_d8” Import with command line
mysql -u username -p tintin_d8 < tintin.sql
You could also import the database with PhpMyadmin interface or drush.
6. Your site is ready now, check that in a browser ( or your domain)
7. Almost everything has been completed, just replace the existing content with your own content. Then you are ready to launch your site.
For more customization and information check the Readme.txt file in the Tintin theme folder.
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