
Cloze Module for Drupal Quiz

  • Drupal 6
  • Drupal Planet
  • QUIZ

Drupal Quiz

KnackForge has been offering professional support to many of the Drupal sites that are using quiz modules. In this endeavor, we have developed a new cloze module for one of our potential clients. The module essentially adds a new question type to conduct Fill in the blanks kind of Quiz. In eLearning parlance, it is also known as cloze test.

Wikipedia describes the cloze test as follow,
A cloze test (also cloze deletion test) is an exercise, test, or assessment consisting of a portion of text with certain words removed (cloze text), where the participant is asked to replace the missing words. Cloze tests require the ability to understand context and vocabulary in order to identify the correct words or type of words that belong in the deleted passages of a text. This exercise is commonly administered for the assessment of native and second language learning and instruction.
Usecase: For instance, if an instructor wants to evaluate the grammar skills of his student, he could prefer to use cloze question as mentioned below,
The Sun raises in ___ east and sets in the ____.
When taking the quiz, the student will have to fill "the" and "west" in the appropriate blanks.
This can be seen as an extended version of a short answer question. More about the working of this module, like other question type modules in the quiz, cloze offers a new node type. In the body field of the node, question text could be feed. The question text will have some missing words, the student will have to fill in the appropriate word at the time of taking the quiz.
There are two types of blanks,
  • the free text blank (input type textfield), where student can write whatever he wants
  • the choice blank (dropdown), where the student will have to choose the word from a list of items
In order to create the cloze quiz, the instructor will write the question text in the body field of the cloze node. To keep it simple we support only plain text questions for now and hence the input format selection will not appear.
Where there should be a blank, the instructor will put square brackets.
  • If it is a free text blank, inside the brackets the right word will be mentioned
  • If it is a choice blank, mentioned will be all the options separated by commas; the first one is the correct one; every time the question is shown the words are randomly ordered.
Example : [The] quick brown fox jumps [over, on, in, beneath] the lazy dog
A valid cloze question would look as below on create/ edit screen,
After creating a cloze question, when seen outside the quiz context it will be shown as below,
When taking the quiz,
The score is computed as the number of correct answers over the number of blanks. By default, the maximum score is 10. On the report page, we show the complete text with the words inserted by the student, and correct words side by side.
The final report page would look as below,
The module currently supports only Drupal 6.x.
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