March 24, 2016
The approach to custom block caching is different in Drupal 8 from Drupal 7. In Drupal 8, all renderable arrays are cacheable, even those returned by a custom block.
Some expensive-to-calculate data depends on the active theme: different results for different themes. Then you'd vary by the theme cache context.
When creating a render array that shows a personalized message, the render array varies per user. Then you'd vary (the render array) by the user cache context.
Generally, when some expensive-to-calculate information varies by some environmental context.
Then vary by cache context.
The new and much-improved cache API in Drupal 8 provides a sophisticated approach to caching all renderable items whether pages, entities, or, in our case blocks too. Drupal 8 allows developers to manage cache behavior for blocks directly in the render array returned by the block object's "build()" method.
function mymodule_block_info() {
$blocks = array();
$blocks['mymodule_example_block'] = array(
'info' => t('Block title'),
// Block caching options (per role, per user, etc.)
// DRUPAL_NO_CACHE is the default.
'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE,
return $blocks;
In Drupal 8, cache settings are manipulated directly in renderable arrays returned by (among other things) a block's build() method:
class MyCustomBlock extends BlockBase {
public function build() {
return array(
'#markup' => $markup,
'#cache' => array(
'contexts' => array(
Available parameters for manipulating cache settings include 'keys', 'contexts', 'tags', 'max-age' and 'bin'.
Drupal 8 core ships with the following hierarchy of cache contexts:
Detailed documentation about cache management in Drupal 8 is available on Drupal.org.
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