
Drupal 7 Pager Not Visible/ Showing

  • Drupal 7
  • Drupal Planet
  • NodeQueue
  • Pager
  • Views

Drupal Pager Not Displaying


Of late in two of my Drupal sites I found that pagers were not shown. This happened independent of the active themes and modules generating the page (views,  panels, or core blog module). Essentially I reproduced this in the Recent logs messages page and default Blogs listing page (?q=blog). Below is a snapshot of how it looked to me.


After spending a couple of hours I found it Views module, that was causing this problem. Strictly speaking, this is not a bug perhaps by design. It is found that two or more views sharing the same pager id are likely to cause this issue. In my case, I was able to narrow down that the views invoked through a global context were causing this problem. Seriously I didn't find any options to change the pager id instead I changed the view to show all items as I control the limit and order of items from Nodequeue. I suppose this could succor those who come across this issue.

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