
Only One Earth: 2022

  • environmentalday
  • knackforge
  • onlyoneearth

As we commemorate World Environment Day (WED) on June 5th, we should remember to listen to warnings and take them seriously. And environmental alarm bells are no exception. On biodiversity loss, environmental degradation, and climate change, there are a plethora of startling statistics. Facts to which we can no longer turn a blind eye. Protecting our natural environment by being proactive rather than reactive is by far the safest and less expensive alternative. Our ecology, like global health, is in peril. We are losing species at a 1,000-fold higher rate than at any other point in human history. Ecosystems are depleting at an exponential rate, with wetlands disappearing three times faster than forests and a third of the planet's forest cover already gone. Poaching, agricultural growth, intensification of farming, and infrastructure all undermine the world's protected areas. The warning signs are coming, with new climate records.  

We live in extraordinary times when nature reminds us that in order to take care of ourselves, we must also take care of the environment that sustains us. During the COVID-19 pandemic, people flocked to nature and green places in cities, which served as sought-after refuges and mental-health boosters. 

The pandemic has brought the link between environmental stress and human health into sharper focus. Scientists who have studied the relationship between viruses, wildlife, and habitat loss have cautioned that humanity's mistreatment of nature must alter or more terrible pandemics would occur. 

The United Nations launched World Environment Day in 1972 as a result of debates about the integration of human relationships and the environment during the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. The first World Environment Day (WED) was observed two years later, in 1974, with the theme "Only One Earth." Coincidentally, this year the UN has come up with the same theme “Only one Earth” with the focus on “Living sustainably in harmony with nature.”  

This World Environment Day, KnackForge had their staff align to the theme and created artwork from different discarded scrap materials. We carved out a “butterfly” from the scrap. Our motto was to emphasize the importance of segregation and waste management technology where the butterfly signifies transformation and hope in making our surrounding a better place to live in.  

Making a difference counts, especially towards making the world a better place to live. On this day, we KnackForgians want to encourage everyone about sustainability, which can and should be adopted routinely and religiously in everyone's day-to-day life. To make a difference, we're devoted to developing a habitat where we can conserve and sustain natural balance. says Anjali, the VP of HR and Operations at KnackForge.  

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